Modern female, because of stressful daily life-style, busy house works and working’s pressure, they feel exhausted. Besides, always stay up late, over-taking cigarettes and alcohols and frequent intercourse will also affect their normal healthy life. Imbalanced daily diet, cold ice water, sour and spicy food even during menstruation period and lack of health care will also bring different kinds of sickness in the future
Actually health care during menstruation period is even more important compared to the period after delivery. Because it is more frequent to experience menstruation, health care during this period is normally been omitted.
1. migraine, hypothermia, weakness of lower limbs
2. period pain, irregular menstruation, white discharge, miscarriage, prolonged menstruation period
3. increased amount of period, anxiety, insomnia, weak, dizziness, womb’s tumour, skin’s ageing
4. decreased amount of period, obese, freckles, black spots, prolapsed uterus and skin’s itchiness
MANJATIMAH can effectively improve the windy and “cold’s “condition, detoxify body’s toxins and excess waste, maintain health’s quality and improve beauty system
Dosage : 2 capsules twice daily, may reduce to half the dose if feel healthy, and double the dose during menstruation period will brings better effect
Adverse effects : If person with white discharges, the amount may increase in the early stage, and the gradually reduce until it is totally vanished. During menstruation, there may be some blood clots discharge is normal reaction and they will reduce gradually
Warning : High blood pressure patient do not take
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